Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Already

The weekends just seem to fly by...even the year has passed quickly.  It's so hard to believe that it's almost September...already!  Today, I didn't get out and shoot, but I spent most of my morning working on images and I also set aside several hours a week to just learn...and to practice what I'm learning.  In the photography world there is almost something new to learn, especially in my case being so new to the dslr world.
Below is a image I captured one day while walking through the zoo and it just hit me, well, I almost walked smack into it, but it was a beautiful and quite large spider web.  There's so much more to shoot at the zoo besides the animals.
Luckily I had lots of green trees in the background which helped with the field depth here and really added to the shot.  After the shot, I stood there for a few minutes basically in awe, and thought about the work that must've went into creating such a masterpiece.  Sad to say, I'm sure it didn't last long after I moved on as it was almost in the middle of the main walking path.
Also including one of my recent and favorite shots of the Ring-Tailed lemur.  These guys are awesome to watch and such beautiful animals.  No guys...they are NOT monkeys.  I have to say this at least 4 or 5 times whenever I'm working the exhibit as a Docent.  I know this one turned out a bit on the dark side, and yes, I could've lightened it up a bit, but I chose not too.  All I did was resize for other editing was done.
That's it for now!  Hope to get some shooting in this week and will have more coming up.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope everyone has a great week! :-)

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